Night Flyer: Harriet Tubman and the Faith Dreams of a Free People

Tiya Miles’ “Night Flyer: Harriet Tubman and the Faith Dreams of a Free People” offers an unparalleled look into the early years of Harriet Tubman, a period marked by unimaginable hardship and cruelty.

Tubman’s youth in Tidewater Maryland was filled with physical torture and emotional terror. As a maid, nanny, trapper, and field hand, she faced relentless whippings and was frequently deprived of food and clothing.

Despite these brutal conditions, Tubman’s innate sense of liberty and belief in her destined freedom remained unbroken. Her conviction, “God set the North Star in the heavens. He gave me the strength in my limbs; He meant I should be free,” underscores the powerful spiritual foundation that sustained her.

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Resurrection of a Spiritual Life

Miles, a Harvard history professor, excels in bringing to life Tubman’s spiritual journey, positioning it as the bedrock of her resilience and determination.

By examining Tubman alongside intellectuals like Frederick Douglass and Black evangelists of her era, Miles paints a comprehensive picture of Tubman’s motivations.

These motivations, deeply rooted in Scripture and prayer, are often difficult for modern audiences to grasp. Yet, Miles’ insightful narrative makes these spiritual elements accessible and relevant, helping readers understand the profound influence of faith on Tubman’s life.

night flyer book review

Humanizing a Historical Icon

One of the most compelling aspects of “Night Flyer” is its ability to humanize Harriet Tubman. Miles portrays her not merely as a historical figure but as a deeply spiritual individual whose faith was her source of strength.

This portrayal invites readers to appreciate the critical role of Tubman’s religious beliefs in shaping her actions and legacy.

The book highlights how spirituality provided enslaved people with a framework for resistance and hope, offering a nuanced understanding of the era’s spiritual landscape.

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Scholarly yet Accessible

Miles’ writing stands out for its scholarly rigor combined with accessibility. “Night Flyer” is meticulously researched, drawing on historical documents, personal testimonies, and literary works to build a robust academic foundation.

Miles’ narrative is engaging and clear, making complex historical and theological concepts understandable to a broad audience.

Her ability to blend academic precision with compelling storytelling ensures that readers remain captivated while gaining valuable insights.

A Must-Read for Understanding Spiritual Resistance

“Night Flyer: Harriet Tubman and the Faith Dreams of a Free People” is an essential addition to the literature on Harriet Tubman and the broader context of Black spiritual resistance during slavery.

Miles has crafted a poignant and enlightening tribute to Tubman, highlighting the enduring power of faith in the pursuit of freedom and justice.

This book not only celebrates Tubman’s extraordinary courage but also invites readers to reflect on the profound role that faith and spirituality can play in overcoming oppression.


In “Night Flyer,” Tiya Miles offers a fresh and deeply moving perspective on Harriet Tubman, focusing on the spiritual strength that underpinned her incredible journey. This book is a testament to the power of faith and a reminder of the enduring impact of Tubman’s legacy. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the spiritual dimensions of resistance and the indomitable spirit of one of history’s most revered figures. Through this powerful narrative, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the profound interplay between faith and freedom, making “Night Flyer” a standout work in historical and spiritual literature.

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